Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Interactive Multimedia Instruction for independent learning

New era begins. Technology comes as fast as a light. Computer now is set in front of all people, including kids. Nowadays kids is very familiar with it. In learning it can be a useful media as long as its capability suitable with the media needed.

Recently multimedia computer is really needed by most learning developer. By using this computer it is hoped that the media needed will appropiate to the learning character. That is, therefore, inspiring academical people create a new media for teaching and learning, including a computer media for kids.

It is important for learning developer to attend kids' psychology development. Therefore, a method of teaching-learning through multimedia computer must be appropiate. Kids mostly like move and play around. They are active. It will be better, then, to design them interactive by using such media. In short, the media should be interactive too-so called Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI).

By using IMI, it is assumed that the kids will find a different experience. They will feel free by the other's intimidation. Moreover, they will evaluate their own learning progress. That is way learning by using IMI is sometimes to be the choice.

To look at a sample of IMI, please visit the following address:

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008

Listening Game as a fun technique

Listen to me....!!!!!

Touch your nose!

Clap your hands!

Jump! Jump! Jump!

Can you imagine the kids do those activities? They will be fun, won't they? Kids in their age have a lot of energy to move. As a creative teacher it is better for you to benefit their energy to acquire english. One of the technique can be applied is by using listening game.

This game actually appropiates for the kids to gain a new vocabulary or simple sentence construstion. It can work in small or even large class.

In small class, you can separate the kids into two groups. Each group should stand in line and face to each other. You as a teacher stand in front of them and start realising one by one magic words. For example, to acquire the names of human's body you say "nose", the kids must appoint their own nose. If there is a kid does a mistake, a friend in front of him will touch his nose. If the pair kids do the mistake, you will touch their nose. In case of constructing simple sentence, you can start giving your fun commands for them. They must do as your command. If they do something mistake, give them some time to do ownself. Then, you can continue your fun commands.

In large class, you can set the kids in circle position. Ask them to stand up and give each of the one magic words. Every kids must try to remember all words given to each of them. Choose a kid by naming the word given, i.e "nose". The "nose" comes into the centre of the circle. You start the game by mentioning the word the "nose" must look for. The "nose" then goes to the friend predictedly has that word. If the "nose" catches a wrong friend, the friend must say what word s/he owns. Then, the "nose" goes to another friend until twice. If the "nose" still does have the word being looked for, the "nose" must go the centre of the circle and touch the own nose. The "nose'" position then is changed by the kid having the word the "nose" looked for.

for a sample material, click the following

Well, have a nice class!