Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Interactive Multimedia Instruction for independent learning

New era begins. Technology comes as fast as a light. Computer now is set in front of all people, including kids. Nowadays kids is very familiar with it. In learning it can be a useful media as long as its capability suitable with the media needed.

Recently multimedia computer is really needed by most learning developer. By using this computer it is hoped that the media needed will appropiate to the learning character. That is, therefore, inspiring academical people create a new media for teaching and learning, including a computer media for kids.

It is important for learning developer to attend kids' psychology development. Therefore, a method of teaching-learning through multimedia computer must be appropiate. Kids mostly like move and play around. They are active. It will be better, then, to design them interactive by using such media. In short, the media should be interactive too-so called Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI).

By using IMI, it is assumed that the kids will find a different experience. They will feel free by the other's intimidation. Moreover, they will evaluate their own learning progress. That is way learning by using IMI is sometimes to be the choice.

To look at a sample of IMI, please visit the following address:

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